The Structure
R-4-L builds graduates for a better fit and performance in work life
The process helps to create
Early & Stronger leaders in society
Better fit and stronger candidates for Employment
This is achieved by
Career Options & Interests
Personality vs. Interest & Passion
Attitudes and behaviors required for work success
The Process
Features of R-4-L
R-4-L is all about…
Understanding the Career Options available to you as a graduate
Understanding Your Personality, Interests & Passion and how those fit your career choice
Acquiring Basic Skills for Life & Your Preferred Career
The Benefit
R-4-L guarantees
Guidance & Mentorship to deliver
Informed Career Choices
Early Leadership Capabilities planned around
Focused Formal Learning (10%)
Coaching & Mentorship (20%)
Hands-on Experience (70%)
for a successful Work Life…
Other Features
Taking Leadership to mobilize resources and support for your development
R-4-L delivers reproducible and robust outcomes to creates good fit and better prepared graduates to succeed within the opportunities & challenges of work life.
Discovering your Genius
An insightful challenge to help you to know yourself better.
Work Projects & Leadership Challenges to drive Skills Building & Execution for success.