Stakeholder Management

We work with you to uncover opportunities and develop effective tailor-made solutions to every challenge
The Lead-it Way
This pillar of our work at Lead-it Africa, focuses on facilitating interactions between organizations and their stakeholders to create superior value.
Stakeholder management is a critical component to the successful delivery of any project, program, or activity. It is however often left to chance with the belief and expectation that the plans will fall into place after a meeting is held to announce the program and its intentions. We are often led by the expectation that all stakeholders will fall in line and deliver to the plans of the program.
Our experience however shows that without a well-thought-out engagement plan with effective follow up. Most stakeholders would leave a program / project meeting and simply slide back to their usual and comfortable way of doing things.
We facilitate interactions between organizations and their stakeholders to create superior value. We guarantee sustainable delivery of organizational goals through our integrated approach to stakeholder management at all levels of projects, programs. and portfolios. Our approach is to work with our clients to uncover opportunities and develop effective tailor-made solutions to the challenges in the Stakeholder Engagement & Management process.
Facilitating interactions between organizations and their stakeholders to create value
Stakeholder management is a critical component to the successful delivery of any project, program or activity
Opportunities & Challenges
Relationships between NGOs, Government Officials, Industry Players, and other stakeholders are necessary emerging needs for creating improved access to markets in Sub Saharan Africa. Organizations are saddled with multiple stakeholders with varied needs and expectations. Addressing these needs and expectations tend to have significant impact on the performance of collaborative programs and projects although this tends to come with significant challenges including:
Potential compliance exposure in highly regulated industries
Lack of requisite skills to engage non-conventional stakeholders
Poor or inexistent stakeholder engagement strategies
Our Offer
We support organizations to improve their stakeholder management and engagement outcomes. We serve as brokers to manage non-conventional stakeholders to reduce the compliance exposure to companies in highly regulated industries. Our scope or services in this area include:
Engagement strategies for stakeholders
Concept Design & Content Generation for Stakeholder Engagement Forums
Facilitation of Stakeholder Meetings, Trainings, and Engagement Programs